I am the Earth and the Earth is me.
Each blade of grass, each honey tree,
Each bit of mud, and stick and stone
Is blood and muscle, skin and bone.
And just as I need every bit
of me to make my body fit,
So Earth needs grass and stone and tree
And things that grow here
That's why we celebrate this day.
That's why across the world we say:
As long as life, as dear, as free,
I am the Earth and the Earth is me.
Com algum atraso, porque não tenho estado por cá, aqui ficam, em celebração do Dia da Terra, este bonito poema de Jane Yolen, e uma lindíssima paisagem do Nordeste Transmontano, tirada perto de nossa casa, há dois meses atrás.
With some delay, because I've been away for the whole week, here is my celebration of Earth Day, with a beautiful poem by Jane Yolen, and a picture of one of the wonderful landscapes of the Portuguese Northeast, taken near our home, two months ago.