Monday, July 16, 2007

My First EDM Challenge - #127: Sky

Esta é a minha primeira participação no desafio Every Day Matters. O tema da semana é o céu e eu tentei pintar o céu visto da janela da minha cozinha. Gosto muito da vista desta janela e apesar de não o usar tanto como gostaria, este é um dos meus cantos preferidos para ler. Aqui ficam duas tentativas de retratar o céu deste meio-dia, com cerca de uma hora de intervalo entre elas. Quando estava a meio da primeira, tive que interromper para ir pôr fim a uma briga entre as miúdas - o que se nota, porque estava a tentar pintar o céu sobre o papel molhado e quando voltei, parte dele já estava seco... Quando acabei, adormeci a mais pequenina e fiz o segundo. Os azuis já tinham desaparecido e o céu estava agora mais escuro, mas com uma bonita luz amarelada a passar por entre as núvens densas.
* * *
This is my first participation in an Every Day Matters challenge. This week's theme is sky and I tried to picture the sky as seen from my kitchen's window. I love the view and although I don't use it as often as I would like to, this is one of my favourite reading spots. So here are two attempts at this noon's sky, approximmately one hour apart from each other. When I was in the middle of the first one I had to get up to stop a fight between the kids - and it shows, for I was trying to paint a wet into wet sky and when I got back, part of it was already dry. After finishing it, I put the small one to sleep and then did the second one. The blues had gone and the sky was now darker, but with a nice bright yellow light showing through the dense clouds.


  1. WELCOME TO EDM!!! LOVELY SKIES! And I like the thunderclouds too!!! GREAT JOB!!! Can't wait to see more!

  2. Welcome...and congratulations with this first challenge. I like it a lot.

  3. So many new challenges! Where do they all originate from? But it is great to see the way you rise to them all and deal with them.
    The biggest surprise is your confessing not to liking flower photos. I was shocked, I can tell you. And I had not heard of your river, thanks for that.

  4. Fantastic challenge effort. Every day does matter and you captured your sky beautifully.

  5. WOW! These skies look really good. Well done!!

  6. lovely skies! My son was born in 2001 and I'd love to connect with another homeschooling mom...if you have the time:

  7. Welcome to EDM.. Wonderful job with your first challenge... Love the feel of it!


  8. hey, i'm new to the group... it's nice to meet people from everywhere.
    nice sky... i admire you, you did two skys, i could barely do one.

  9. These are really gorgeous, thanks for posting them. And welcome to EDM, it's nice to meet you.

  10. Bonitos céus,amiga, continua assim que ainda vais longe, talvez até até ao céu...

  11. Associo-me ao entusiasmo dos comentadores que me antecederam. Talvez não seja capaz de dizer tão bem como eles como gostei deste seu "trabalho" (ponho entre aspas porque há quem defenda que o que dá prazer não é trabalho). Mas fica o registo.

    Acho que é uma pena que não se possa dedicar a tempo inteiro à sua arte.

    Um beijo.

  12. Beautiful skies! Welcome to the EDM group, too.

  13. I like your skies they feel dreamy to me....

  14. Beautiful skyscapes, both of them..wonderful atmosphere in both

  15. Welcome to EDM! These are beautifully done, with such subtle colors and values. Let me say that I admire you for keeping up with your artwork while raising two small ones. I know how hard that is because I did not always keep up with my artwork and now I am playing catch up. Kudos! Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
