Monday, October 12, 2009

More Plant Sketching

Ultimamente, tenho usado grande parte do meu tempo livre para trabalhar nos desenhos de plantas, no caderno de campo. A semana passada fui a outra saída de campo de botânica, desta vez para a serra de Montesinho, para ver alguns habitats de montanha (e no regresso, também vi um lindíssimo esquilo). Em baixo, vê-se uma página do caderno a meio do trabalho e em cima, o desenho terminado, mostrando três das espécies típicas que se encontram nos urzais secos, naquela zona.

I've been using most of my spare time to work on my plant sketches lately. Last week I went on another botany field trip, this time to Montesinho, to see some beautiful mountain habitats (and on my way back, I also saw a cute red squirrel). Below you can see one of my sketchbook pages in progress, and above, the finished page showing three typical species found in dry mountain heathlands in that area.


  1. You are a true botanist, your pages are SO authentic and inspiring! I also love your hawthron you did a few posts ago.
    Do you do your own tranlations here on your blog? Isn't that a lot of work do you do it?

  2. Hi Ronell, thanks for the visit and your nice comments. Yes, I do my own translations, I actually usually begin by writing in English, so that I'm not tempted to do a word by word translation which normally turns out too artificial, for the structure of the Portuguese language is so different from that of English (it is more similar to French). Because I read a lot in English, and some of my work is done in English too, translating for the blog ends up not being a lot of work (and besides, my posts are usually short too, although I hope the main reason for this is not the English writing issue...)
