Friday, October 29, 2010

Passeio de Outono / Autumn walk in the woods

No início do mês, fomos à procura do Outono no bosque, do outro lado do vale que fica em frente à nossa casa. Os sinais ainda não eram muitos, mas os suficientes para tirar algumas fotografias bonitas. Desenhos é que não houve, porque entretanto começou a chover, e o ânimo das crianças a esmorecer. Mas só até lhes acenarmos com a perspectiva de uns scones e um chocolate quente, no regresso a casa...
Entretanto, umas constipações impediram novos passeios, e hoje começou a chover, mas assim que o tempo se compuser, haverá mais, com certeza, incluindo a apanha das castanhas!
Ficam, então, algumas das fotografias.
* * *
In the beginning of the month we went for a stroll in the woods, just across the valley that lies below our house. The signs of autumn were not many yet, but they were enough for a few pictures. No sketches, though, because meanwhile it started to rain. The children started to complain, but not for long, because I happened to mention that we could bake some scones and make hot chocolate as soon as we returned home...
Meanwhile, a few colds prevented us from more autumn walks and today it started to rain hard. But as soon as the weather becomes milder, we'll surely go back to our walks and this time we'll also go chestnut picking!
So here are some pictures from our walk.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dear Friend,
    Its been far too long since we last communicated. I hope all is fine with you. Your posts are as enjoyable as ever. Come by and visit sometime.
    Sue of photowannabe
