Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Duas páginas recentes do meu caderno de apontamentos. A primeira mostra uns homens bem vestidos num café. Havia mais, mas levantaram-se pouco depois de eu ter chegado, por isso só tive tempo para desenhar estes dois. A segunda mostra algumas pessoas que
desenhei enquanto esperava que a aula de natação da minha filha mais velha terminasse. Ambas foram desenhadas com uma caneta de tinta preta à prova de água e coloridas com aguarelas ao chegar a casa.
* * *
Two recent pages from my sketchbook. The first shows some well dressed men sitting at a cafe. There were more of them, but they left a few minutes after I arrived, so I only had time to draw two of them. The second shows some people drawn while waiting for my oldest daughter to finish her swimming lesson. Both were drawn with a waterproof pen and coloured later with watercolours, when I arrived home.


  1. Great sketches...love the two guys with the three chairs...that empty chair adds a nice touch to the composition, as well as the color of the chairs.

  2. Amiga,
    continua assim, que ainda vais chegar longe
